Terms of Use
Using the Wilburton Dog Park
Please ensure that your dogs are adequately vaccinated to use a public place. If any dog is showing any signs of illness do not use the Field and be respectful of other pets and their owners.
It is your responsibility to pick up all dog poo and dispose of it in the poo bins provided. All other rubbish should be taken home and disposed of.
You must enter the car park compound and close the gate before letting your dog(s) out of your vehicle to ensure the safety of the dog(s) and other byway users.
Please ensure that you do not arrive early for your booking and vacate the field leaving it secure at the end of your booking. A 5 minute gap is included at the end of your 55 minutes to allow a clean hand-over to the next user.
Please only park on the hard-standing within the car park compound. There is adequate space for multiple cars for one booking.
No Barbecues.
The Wilburton Dog Park reserves the right to refuse any booking for the hiring of the Field without being required to give any reason for such refusal.
Bookings can be re-scheduled up to 24hours before the scheduled timeslot but are non-refundable.
All bookings must be paid for in advance via the online booking site – we accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit and Debit Cards or Paypal.
You will be sent an SMS text message to your mobile phone 1 hour prior to your booking. Please ensure you provide a mobile phone number and not a landline.
At your own risk
You agree that your use of the Field and the Car Park Compound is at your own risk, and agree not to hold the ‘Wilburton Dog Park’, its owners or staff responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss of property arising from Your use of the Field. All vehicles are parked at the Wilburton Dog Park entirely at the owners risk. You are advised to ensure you have adequate insurance in place for your dog/ dogs.
The Field is a 2 acre outdoor space, and contains areas of uneven ground which could be concealed under vegetation and could contain other hazards consistent with the countryside. Accordingly, please make sure you wear suitable footwear.
You agree not to let anyone else onto the Field other than friends or family members you have brought with you to enjoy walking your dog or dogs.
By bringing friends or family, You agree to take full responsibility for their safety and for ensuring that they abide by these Terms of Use at all times.
You are welcome to bring your children. They must be supervised at all times, and You are responsible for making sure that they do not injure themselves or damage any part of the Wilburton Dog Park and Car park and that they adhere to the Terms of Use at all times. Please be aware that the Field has not been made child safe, and that certain elements may pose an additional hazard to children (non-child proof dog poo bins for example).
Banned Breeds
We are happy to welcome XL Bully and other banned breeds provided they comply with the latest Government legislation. It is Your responsibility to be aware and compliant with the latest government guidance at all times when using the Field – anyone not complying will be banned from using the field.
You must be able to produce exemption certificates and public liability insurance documents for your dog(s) on request or in the event of an issue.
You must drive into the car park compound, close and lock the gate behind you before releasing your dog from the car, on its lead and still muzzled. Once securely within the Field and with the pedestrian gate closed, your dog can run free. HOWEVER, there is a public bridleway/ byway adjacent to the Field and so we are requiring owners that the muzzle is kept in place for the duration of your visit. We will review this requirement as time progresses.
Bookings will only be accepted on a one Client with one dog for one booking slot – absolutely no meet ups or group training events.
The dog is neutered – in line with Government Rules and deadlines.
The dog is Micro Chipped.
The dog is put back on a lead before leaving the Field and entering the car park compound.
Fences & Gates
We will be inspecting and maintaining the fences and gates regularly, but if you find any damage to the perimeter or car park gates or fencing please notify us as soon as possible. Do not allow any person or dog to climb the fence or gates.
Additional Information
Copies of our public liability insurance, risk assessment, privacy policy, GDPR policy are available on request.
Our policies and our Terms of Use may be updated as and when necessary.
Any reference to ‘the Field’ or ‘The Wilburton Dog Park’ refers to the land enclosed by the perimeter fence and gates, the Car Park compound and all fixtures and fittings.
‘You’, ‘Their’ or ‘the Client’ refers to the person who has made the booking and who will be using the Field.
By making a booking, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use when using the Wilburton Dog Park.